The key obvious reason looking for sustainable office rental in Woking is if you’re a business looking to minimise your impact on the environment whilst being based in a central location near to, but out of, an office rental in London.

In addition to this though, a sustainable office rental can mean an increase in credibility, reputation, and event revenue.

Here are a few of the benefits of a sustainable office rental.

Boost your business’s reputation and brand image with minimum research

Choosing sustainable business practices requires research into what your business’s carbon footprint actually is. You need to look at the technology used, product sourcing, practices in the office, and more. This all takes a lot of work.

By selecting an office rental with measures already in place to ensure businesses in their facility are minimising their impact on their environment, you are getting a ‘quick win’ where you can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability using information already provided by the office space you are renting.

Increase employee satisfaction and mental wellbeing

A recent study: the 2022 Workmonitor survey, showed that the key areas employees are looking for include a company that aligns with their values in terms of social and environmental issues. By choosing a sustainable office space in Woking, you can increase employee satisfaction and wellbeing, and in turn increase staff retention.

For the same reason you will be able to use your sustainable office space as well as environmentally friendly businesses practices as a recruitment tool.

A sustainable office space is also more likely to make use of natural light, have more fresh air, and include more living plants and outdoor space. These are all things that improve employees’ mental health and physical wellbeing.

Look forward to future legistlations

The government are bringing in more and more legislations that mean businesses need to demonstrate a commitment to reducing their business’s impact on the environment. Taking a step such as renting a sustainable office space will mean you’re already set up to show that you are taking your carbon footprint seriously.

Save the world with an office rental in Woking

On a personal level, we all want to living in a world with a stable climate that will be safe for the next generation. Get in touch with Tannery Studios to discuss their sustainable approach of office rental, including building on brown field sites, solar power, energy saving measures, and outside space.

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