Downsizing an office is a big decision that businesses may need to make at some point but it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s because a business is doing badly. Financial challenges might be one reason, but equally likely are that there are changes in the sector you’re in or the need for a different kind of workspace. Here are some of the key reasons for downsizing your office and why it could be key to success.

  • Unused Space: If your current office space has a lot of space that’s either not being used, chances are that downsizing could be for you. Hybrid working has become more commonplace which has led to less desks needing to be used all at the same time. If this is the case for you, you will still need a physical office space but by rolling out desk sharing or a hotdesking format you might find that downsizing your office can save money that can be used to grow and develop the business.
  • Less physical items: With the rise of technology and a digital approach to life, many businesses are finding that items that were once staple are now surplus to requirements. Sales brochures and other printed items are now online or PDFs that are emailed, events are often held virtually and so display equipment is used less often, and so on. As a result you need less storage and you find yourselves with empty shelving and cupboards just taking up space you don’t need to be paying for.
  • A more collaborative approach: Where much of the day to day work is carried out in a hybrid format, when people come to the office it is for the opportunity to brainstorm, collaborate, and make strategic decisions. Downsizing your office can lead to increased efficiency and productivity in this kind of format, with a smaller space fostering better collaboration among colleagues, and reducing distractions.
  • Serviced offices with shared facilities: Many businesses choose to have communal areas or ‘break out spaces’ where employees can either relax on their break, or use for meetings and collaborations. If you’re able to find a serviced office space where there are these shared spaces available to use, without having to rent the space solely for your business, then this can be a good way to downsizing and save on space needed.

If you’re looking to maximise productivity and efficiency by downsizing your office, but don’t want to compromise on facilities or quality, get in touch with Tannery Studios for more information about their shared facilities, modern industrial design, flexible office spaces, and sustainability initiatives.

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