Green screens are most often associated with making movies such as sci-fi films and/or films with a lot of special effects such as Star Wars, The Matrix, and Jurassic Park. Whilst this is a conventional and popular use for green screens, the applications are actually endless. It’s not always possible to shoot videos and images in interesting or non-existent locations, with unusual backgrounds, or even just with large and/or expensive items in the room.

It often works out as more economical as well as more straightforward to use a room with a green screen and use post production techniques to bring other aspects into the film. In addition to films and TV programmes this approach can be used for marketing, journalism, corporate videos and teaching/tutorials.

What is a green screen?

A green screen is a backdrop made up of bright green canvas – usually synthetic and stretchy spandex – that enables photo and video editors to change the entire background at a later stage in post-production. The aim is to make the transition from the film studio the shoot is held in to the edited backdrop as natural and organic looking as possible. It doesn’t always have to be an actual physical screen, there are some people that choose to paint their walls a bright green color to mimic the look of a green screen.

Why your business should use a green screen?


If you’re looking to do a product photoshoot or video, maybe you’re going to want to showcase your product in an exciting location, in luxurious surroundings, or even somewhere not easily accessible. These locations will cost money, whether it’s in a rainforest, on a race track, in a luxury hotel or even in space! Use of a green screen means you pay for the studio rental space and not an excessive fee for a location plus transport. The location can be put in after.


It could be you have a great idea for a video or photo shoot but you know that getting to the place you want to be or achieving the effect you want to achieve is going to be beyond expensive or just impossible. The use of a green screen means the sky is the limit, because anything can be put in post production.


However nice your office or workplace is, getting it up to studio standards is going to be hard work. Using a green screen to give a professional background is infinitely more straightforward and also less destructive to your business.

Rent a studio with a green screen in Surrey

If you’re looking to rent a film studio in Surrey with a green screen, get in touch with Tannery Studios for more information on the facilities they have available.


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